What is Digital Marketing?
Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing is a lot of things. It is all the marketing on the Internet. There are lots of different ways to market a company on the Internet. Therefore, today, we are focusing on the four basic building blocks every business should maintain.
- Social Media
- Review Listings
- Search Engines
- Websites
The first thing to remember is how important it is to register and maintain a company’s Social Media, Websites, Business Directories, and Search Engine registration. Here is some FREE digital marketing task that any business can do and improve its visibility.
Social Media and Digital Marketing
First off, what is Social Media? Social Media is a place on the Internet where a business or person can have control of their content (images and text) and share it with others on the Internet. Share with others. Social Media. You get it.
The most popular Social Media Channel is Facebook. For most people, Facebook was their first introduction to cloud-based software, and the first time they used digital marketing for their business.
Social Media has branched into many channels like Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, and on and on, making it difficult to choose what channel to focus your energy. Nevertheless, the right social media and digital marketing plan for the business depend on what the company does. Restaurants and Retail do great on Facebook and Instagram while Business to Business rock on LinkedIn and Twitter. There are plenty of crossovers, and a full Social Media and digital marketing plan can hit all demographics a business is trying to reach.
With this in mind, Facebook is a great place to start your first experience with Social Media. If you are looking to advance in business to business relationships, a LinkedIn profile is essential.
Business Directories and Digital Marketing
A Business Directory is a crowd-based review site. Business Directories are great for Search Engines and can help define a business’s appearance. As a result, this will increase the visibility of the company on the Internet. Good Digital Marketing plans create an online presence with the same look and feel. Here are a few examples of these types of providers.
- Yelp
- Houzz
- Trip Advisor
- Angie’s List
Just like Social Media, the company will want to pick the best Business Directory site for that business type.
Restaurants and Retail businesses can benefit from reviews on sites like Yelp and Tripadvisor.
Home and Remodeling companies like Ron Hanks Design can bring attention to themselves through sites like Houzz and HomeAdvisor.
Business Directories show up in Search Engines and connect to Social Media. As a result, Reviews will show on the “Google My Business,” Profile. Facebook and other Business Directory like Open Table, Zomato, and many more.
Business Directories reach us through Social Media channels. Trip Advisor reviews can connect to the Facebook page.
There is an interwinding of all of these digital marketing channels. Therefore, the channels depend on each other to spread the word about a company. It is essential to make sure all the company information is correct. Search Engines are looking for consistency. The company’s ranking in a search engine reveals all the digital marketing efforts brought together.
Search Engines and Digital Marketing
A Search Engine is a software program that Searches the Internet. Generally speaking, the Search Engine’s goal is to find the closest match to a request. The most popular search engines are Google, Bing, and Yahoo. A Search Engine’s job is to get the most reliable and up to date information. As a result, marketers create a digital marketing plan to focus on what these Search Engines are looking up. With this in mind, it would be wise to update the Search Engine Business registrations.
- Google has a pretty simple interface to update information. “Google my business” sign up and manage the business Google presence.
- Bing also has a business page. Correct and Update the wrong information on the Bing business page.
- Yahoo gets all of its business information from Yelp. Keep this in mind when Updating the Yelp profile; it will update the yahoo profile.
- It is important to emphasize that business information is the same and correct. For this reason, verify these three search engines, Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
Digital Marketing is driving the traffic to the physical location and website. For this reason, reporting of physical and Internet traffic is available. Making changes to digital marketing strategies is necessary when trends change. It is essential to take time to look at the reporting and Analytics to determine trends. Changing needs of the Consumers is the reason Digital Marketing is successful. In other words, Digital Marketing is flexible and has the tools to monitor and influence consumers. If you measure it, you can manage it.
Websites and Digital Marketing
With all this Social Media, Business Directory, and Search Engines, why do I even need a website?
First off, A website is the only place you have full control of your online asset. You own the website and can completely control your story.
A website is where all the hard work in building the digital marketing strategy pays off. Most digital marketing strategies lead the customer to a website where customers can decide to do business. Now is the time to show off the business, the face of the company, claiming your ground! In some cases, the website can be the first impression. Would you do business with someone that did not have a website?
It is vital to make the website useful, and a place customers want to come back. There are additional ways customers can use the site to increase traffic. For instance, a site can be a resource for a customer portal to review reports or accounting.
For many companies, the website is the second or only selling venue for their business. It is essential to make the site easy to use. Updated sites that show the business brand and give a “landing spot” for a customer is the norm. As a result, companies that pay attention to digital marketing have visibility on the Internet. The Internet is the most significant research resource in the world. Visibility on the Internet is a must for all companies that want to do business.
The four basic blocks of Digital Marketing
A Combination of Social Media, Business Directory and Search Engines driving business to your websites will increase a company’s visibility on the Internet and help connect the business to its customers.
Connect with us, and we’ll be happy to connect you to the solution that works for you.
At Quill Digital Marketing, we are Websites and digital marketing experts, so you don’t have to be. We make sure that your business Website or Digital Marketing is up to date, monitored, maintained, and cutting edge, without a second thought from you. We make your business work better. And it all starts with a conversation.